Saints + Sinners

Regular price €13,50


Our blends are the product of years of careful refinement in our roastery. We choose our beans very carefully with the specific aim of providing you high quality coffee all year round.

This incredibly delicious blend is no exception with a refined chocolate feel and a lasting red grapefruit aftertaste... divine

As different growing regions come into season, we rework our blends gradually  using the highest quality beans to ensure the taste is absolutely consistent throughout the year.


Saints + Sinners
Whole Bean / 250gr - €13,50
  • Whole Bean / 250gr - €13,50
  • Whole Bean / 1kg - €43,00
  • Ground for filter / 250gr - €13,50
  • Ground for filter / 1kg - €43,00
  • Ground for espresso / 250gr - €13,50
  • Ground for espresso / 1kg - €43,00


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